Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Gun Control Debate: Two sides protecting their interests

Trends and talking points
The anti-gun population will have you believe that gun control is the answer. They rail against automatic weapons, which were not used in Connecticut, Virginia Tech, Arizona, or Colorado. Automatic weapons are highly regulated and not available to the general public. There are only 250,000 allowed in the country for non-police and non-military collectors. It is expensive in order to buy the permit and the application process takes six months to one year.

Those that don't understand firearms are lumping the weapons in with those described above. True, the look like assault weapons, but mechanically they are the same as popular hunting rifles made by Remington and Browning.

There's a reverse trend in America. The amount of crime is trending downward while the number of gun sales is trending upward. The anti-gun people would have you believe the opposite is true, that we're living in the Wild West, and that it's harder to buy Sudafed than a gun. None of which are true.

NRA response
I completely understand how the media and the left have said that Wayne LaPierre's statement about having armed guards are crazy, unfounded and dangerous. But understand that his function is to protect the 2nd Amendment rights of Americans; it is not the purpose of the NRA to keep idiots from walking in and shooting up schools.

That falls to the politicians and school administrators, does it not?

There are many school districts that employ uniformed police officers. Their superintendents and mayors have not been dragged through the media painted as an ideologue.

We must find compromise in the gun control debate.

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